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Editing > Sequences

"SEQUENCE." It may be the most important word you hear in this course. If you learn nothing else, at least learn how a sequence is built. As I said on the previous page, sequences are the foundation of all this stuff: from your local news to your favorite Hollywood movie.

It couldn't get any simpler, could it? This is a 2-shot sequence. Start with wide shot, cut to close-up. Notice that this is NOT a zoom from wide shot to close-up; rather it is two static shots edited together. (No sound for this clip.)

In simplest terms, a sequence is a series of shots (taken at different times) that are edited together to appear as if they are happening in one continuous flow. I admit that's not the clearest definition, so to make this clearer, play the sequence to the right.

You will see 2 shots that were photographed at different times (about 5 minutes apart). But edited together, there is a seamless flow. This is a simple sequence.

Most of the time, the first shot in a sequence is a "wide shot." These wide shots are often called "establishing shots" because they establish a place in the mind of the viewer. They answer the question of "where are we?"


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Michael Trinklein