
Video 101 Home
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Lesson Outline
Editing Theory
Football Scene
Matched Cuts
Matched Action
Cutting on the Action
Jump Cuts
Screen Direction
In/Out of Frame
Marry Picture/Sound


Editing > Football Scene

Watch closely--it's only about 10 seconds long. (This clip HAS SOUND.)

Here's another example of how shots can be edited together to create new meaning. Watch this four-shot scene from an old news story about a football game.

It doesn't seem like much, until you understand that all four shots were videotaped by ONE person (a friend of mine).

On the next page, let's analyze the scene a bit more closely. You'll be surprised at how it was done....

(NOTE: This clip--like many others in this course--has sound. If you don't hear the sound when you play the clip, adjust your computer's sound levels. If you have no speakers on your computer, you might plug in headphones.)

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Michael Trinklein