> Space > Looking Room

He is looking toward his right,
so there is a little more space on
that side than the other.
Another important space is called "Looking room."
To understand looking room, you must first understand
that the people you see on TV rarely look directly at
the camera. They look off-screen slightly. This is as
true for news interviews as it is for soaps and sitcoms.
(Of course, there are some occasions that subjects
address the camera directly, like presidential speeches
and live news reports, but most subjects look off camera
Looking room is the space between the subject's face
and the edge of the screen. More specifically, looking
room is the space on the side the subject is looking
The looking room rule is this: There should always
be a little MORE room on the side the subject is looking
toward. You are giving the subjectquite literallyspace
to look, or looking room.