Recording > Digital
vs. Analog
Usually when people explain analog
vs. digital, they trot out a chart
like the one above. Techie types will
quickly grasp that computers can't
understand the analog "waves"
that make up the video signal (in
red above) and so we must convert
the waves to numbers (the green bars)--which
computers CAN understand. That's the
basic difference: digital VCRs just
record a bunch of numbers; analog
VCRs record waves. I could go deeper
into the physics, but this is all
you really need to know.
versus Analog:
This isn't the place for a full blown discussion of
digital versus analog media. I just want to remind you
of what you already know from your experience: Digital
is better.
look better than VHS tapes; and CDs sound a lot better
than cassettes. That's because CDs and DVDs contain
digital recordings, whereas VHS and audio cassettes
record an analog signal.
VCRs record the signal digitally, others use the old
analog method. As you might expect, the digital VCRs
reproduce a better image.