So, what was the man thinking? Was he hungry? Did he want that pie? Or was he too full to eat it?

Regardless of your conclusion, you probably saw some kind relationship between the man and the pie. But in truth, the man has never seen that piece of pie. The pie was filmed on a different day in a distant location. Yet you saw a connection. Even the most basic editing techniques create a linkage in the mind of the viewer.

And that is the power of editing. All editing is based on this simple notion: putting shots together creates new meaning. In editing, 1 + 1 does NOT equal 2. Something is created that is more than the sum of the individual parts. In essence 1 + 1 = 3... or 50.

Now, lets take the experiment one step further. Watch the clip on the right. It’s a new clip:

How about NOW?

This clip is not the same as the last one. You’ve got to see this.

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